Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range of collectable objets d'art on offer.
柯林斯例句This is especially useful if rare or collectable beads are purchase beads.
互联网These posters are rarer and hence very collectable.
互联网Examples of its craftsmanship are now very collectable.
互联网Tom : Shampoo bottles, detergent bottles, medicine bottles, food containers, etc. They all easily collectable and reusable.
T:洗发水包装瓶, 洗涤剂瓶, 医药瓶, 食品容器等他们都比较收藏和可重复使用.
互联网The most collectable old magazines are those devoted to music, movies and fashion.
杂志收藏最值得收藏的旧杂志是那些专门刊载音乐, 电影和时尚的杂志.
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