附属担保品( collateral的名词复数 );
From the pulse condition of his collaterals, he is very well.
根据络脉的脉象来看, 他身体很好.
互联网Our specialist offers traditional Chinese massage to relax your channels and collaterals.
互联网Putting on this kind of plaster will relax the channels and collaterals.
互联网Chinese banks lend for commodity purchases with the underlying commodities as collaterals.
互联网Margin calls for and disposal of collaterals.
互联网Supplement treatment based on syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals combined with clinical practise.
互联网Expelling wind and cold, removing dampness and removing obstruction in collaterals to arrest pain.
袪风散寒除湿 、 通络止疼、适用于骨质增生、关节疼痛、跌打脚伤等症状.
互联网So the deterioration of channels and collaterals is a trademark sign of the start of aging.
互联网Yin deficiency of liver and kidney, blood stasis of collaterals the main syndrom types of TCM.
中医辨证以肝肾不足, 瘀血阻络多见,中西医结合治疗有一定的近期疗效.
互联网To regulate intra - abdominal viscera and channels and collaterals of lower extremities upon personal situations.
互联网The tongue is directly or indirectly associated with Zang - organs through meridians and collaterals.
互联网Objective To probe into embodiment of sensation response in channels and collaterals of human body.
互联网Therapeutically neutralizing poison to unblock collaterals and subcollaterals would increase the curative effect.
互联网This article introduces the relation between liver physiology, the circulation of channels and collaterals illness.
本文介绍了肝的生理 、 经络循行与月经病的关系.
互联网The core of tension - type headache is disharmony ofand blockage of collaterals by phlegm and blood stasis.
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