
  • 释义
  • 硬币;货币制度;新创的词语;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Laser is a recent coinage laser.


  • 2、

    On December 31 , 1978 , the Coinage Security Fund was merged with the Exchange Fund.

    一九七八年十二月三十一日, 硬币发行基金与外汇基金合并.

  • 3、

    A new coinage issued.


  • 4、

    This is the very coinage of your brain.


  • 5、

    Small as it is, this mint is in charge of the coinage of the whole country.

    这家造币厂尽管规模不大, 却承担了全国的硬币铸造任务.

  • 6、

    Sometimes stores used certain tokens because there was a shortage of actual coinage.


  • 7、

    Yes, in paper currency as well coinage. Modern coins are called token money for that reason.

    银行家:是的, 无论是纸币还是硬币的发行都是照此办理的, 为此,现代硬币被称之为“辅币”.

  • 8、

    These characteristics led to their being used for jewellery and eventually coinage.


  • 9、

    Dragons are the coinage of the brain.


  • 10、

    That word is a coinage based on the name of a politician.


  • 11、

    On the outbreak of the First Revolutionary Civil War, the Government called in all gold coinage and replaced it by notes.

    在第一次国内革命战争爆发的时候, 政府下令收回所有的金币,并代之以纸币.

  • 12、

    Greek cities kept Greek municipal law and issued their own coinage.


  • 13、

    It is a very classic translation with the extension of meaning ( coinage? ).

    当年的翻译很经典,运用了延伸 翻译 技巧.

  • 14、

    Serious private coinage produced great negative impact on uhe Han society.


  • 15、

    Widower is a 14 th century coinage.

    Widower( 鳏夫)一词是十四世纪造出来的.

  • 16、

    British coinage of silver or as a standard of fineness 0.500 for silver and 0.91666 for gold.


  • 17、

    The country decided to decimalize ( its coinage ).


  • 18、

    The history of seigniorage debasement of the coinage under the Roman emperors.


  • 19、

    Cash is the main coinage ( see chart ).

    现金变成了主要的收购支付手段 ( 见图表 ).

  • 20、

    I haven't heard that expression before is it a recent coinage?

    我以前从未听到过这个词语--是最近新造的 吗 ?

  • 21、

    That word is a recent coinage.


  • 22、

    The silver coinage was repeatedly debased with copper vellon.


  • 23、

    In almost all countries with established political orders coinage has been reserved to the state.


  • 24、

    British coinage of silver or gold , having as a standard of fineness 0.500 for silver and 0.91666 for gold.

    标准纯银币或银币的英国货币制度, 标准纯度为银币0.500,金币0.

  • 25、

    The government has the right of coinage.


  • 26、

    The ascertainment and standardization of coinage have long been a difficulty for efforts of Chinese standardization.


  • 27、

    It took four years for Britain just to decimalise its own coinage.


  • 28、

    The city produced its own coinage from 1325 to 1864.

