凝固( coagulate的名词复数 );使结块,使变稠;
凝固( coagulate的第三人称单数 );使结块,使变稠;
The blood coagulates to stop wounds bleeding.
——柯林斯例句Blood coagulates when it meets air.
《简明英汉词典》Blood coagulates in air.
互联网It is he that coagulates the blood, stops the gash, and weaves the new skin.
正是他,止住了流血 、 防止伤口恶化并生出新的皮肤.
互联网We miss each other in different place . Endless missing coagulates to clear and translucent dewdrop.
互联网Rids of phlegm , calming emotion . Being used in stubborn phlegm that coagulates, epilepsy and spasm.
坠痰下气,平肝镇惊. 用于顽痰胶结,咳逆喘急, 癫痫发狂,烦躁胸闷,惊风抽搐.
互联网If exposed to cholerae, Limulus blood will coagulates immediately, stopping the reproduction of bacteria.
如一接触到霍乱弧菌, 鲎的血液就会立即凝固, 令细菌失去繁殖作用.
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