[助剂] 凝聚剂;[助剂] 凝结剂(coagulant的复数形式);
Addition of coagulants promotes agglomeration of particles.
——辞典例句Anti - coagulants are perhaps the most suitable despite their low effectiveness outdoors.
辞典例句The property of metal - polysilicate complex coagulants ( MPS ) for removing the contaminant from water is evaluated.
用烧杯搅拌实验考察了金属聚硅酸复合混凝剂 ( MPS ) 去除水中污染物质的性能.
互联网When salt - coagulants: malt dextrin was 1:3 , the quality of instant soybean curd was better.
盐类凝固剂: 麦芽糊精为1:3时, 所得的即食豆腐脑产品较好.
互联网Some reseachneeds were presented, including model research, descriptive work, optimal process design, anddevelopment of new coagulants.
提出了若干尚需研究的课题.它们分属模型研究 、 描述性研究 、 最佳过程设计及絮凝剂新品种开发诸方面.
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