
  • 释义
  • v.

    训练,辅导( coach的现在分词 );补习;

  • n.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings.


  • 2、

    Meanwhile, Turner is careful when he makes coaching suggestions to Liu.

    同时, 特纳仔细的向刘提出训练建议.

  • 3、

    When'm in a coaching session with someone it's pretty obvious if they'a bad mood.


  • 4、

    I am coaching students to attend the fifth Toronto International Child Art exhibition and painting contest.


  • 5、

    I don't think the coaching staff thought Yi was going to be this good this fast.


  • 6、

    Mike: Let me tell you one of my coaching experiences.

    迈克: 我告诉你一个我以前执教的经历吧.

  • 7、

    Coaches need training in specific sport knowledge, coaching theory and practical experience.

    教练员需要在专项运动知识, 训练理论和实践经验等方面和到培训.

  • 8、

    This week's were the first sessions with one of Jose Mourinho's coaching staff.


  • 9、

    But in the eyes of the coaching team, only Harvey's performance with a pass to describe.

    但在教练组眼里, 哈维的表现仅仅用及格来形容.

  • 10、

    But I have been able to get involved with coaching so far, with the younger players.

    但是我现在还能当教练, 和年轻人在一起.

  • 11、

    Instead, she got a big dose of something new: Happiness coaching.

    但她获得了某种新颍的“药剂”: 快乐指导.

  • 12、

    The faculty day coaching the student for the crucial test.


  • 13、

    One of the most effective instruments for coaching and mentoring is the " role rehearsal ".

    辅导和教学的最有效的手段之一是 “ 角色排练. ”

  • 14、

    The manager and the coaching staff kept asking me if I wanted to come off.


  • 15、

    Their training will include coaching for the EU institutions'fearsome concours ( recruitment tests ).

    他们还将学习如何应对欧盟恐怖的考试 ( 即官员招募考试 ).

  • 16、

    They regularly give their time coaching the students.


  • 17、

    She'll be coaching all summer.


  • 18、

    Who is coaching this women's basketball team?


  • 19、

    Personal goal: Down the road he hopes to devote time to coaching new entrepreneurs.

    个人目标: 为新型企业家提供指导.

  • 20、

    Lead and motivate, encouraging a high quality of service through coaching and example.


  • 21、

    When he grows a little taller, doting parents will trade in football lessons for basketball coaching.

    等他再长高一点, 宠溺的家长将会把足球课程换成篮球训练.

  • 22、

    Jeff Van Gundy is in the house , but not doing the sideline coaching.

    范甘迪就在体育馆内, 但并不在场边指挥.

  • 23、

    Some organizations implement this practice as both an assurance activity and coaching activity.


  • 24、

    Now the coaching staff has the tough decision to name the final roster for the Olympics.


  • 25、

    The Hong Kong Coaching Committee has full discretion on the grant of CAP Financial Assistance Scheme.


  • 26、

    To present resources to training content and improve training effectiveness through workshop and coaching.


  • 27、

    Student 7 : I imagine coaching school football.

    学生 7: 我想在中学当橄榄球教练.

  • 28、

    Leading and coaching all colleagues and leaders in the banquet services department.

