用于印刷的四分色(Cyan 青,Magenta 品红,Yellow 黄,blacK 黑);
And also with RGB, CMYK is faster than several times.
并且与RGB模式 同样迟,比CMYK则迟好几倍.
互联网Select is used to create CMYK color image device feature description file.
互联网It's still use CMYK output device as the final output tool.
互联网Through the colour , CMYK mode image of each pixel contains four data.
不纬分色后, CMYK模式 图像的每个像素包罗四个数据.
互联网Printing the image pattern must be CMYK mode.
互联网Color: CMYK, white as optional.
颜色: CMYK四 色, 白色为选择色.
互联网From RGB to CMYK mode of process - that is what we call the process of separation.
互联网This is a picture to color mode from RGB to CMYK are dimmed when.
这也是把图片色彩模式从RGB转化到CMYK时 画面会变暗的主要原因.
互联网When you open a picture in an image, it may be RGB format, or CMYK format.
当你敞开一幅图象时, 它不定是RGB办法的, 也不定是CMYK办法的.
互联网CMYK color mode: from Royal Blue , magenta, yellow, and yellow, also known as reducing color mode.
CMYK不 暗白模式: 由品蓝, 品赤, 品黄和黄色构不败, 又叫失神模式.
互联网Separation operation is in fact very simple : the image color mode to CMYK mode.
分色操纵原来出格 单一: 只需给把图像色彩模式变换为CMYK模式即可.
互联网Convert RGB to CMYK is making a purchase decision factors, especially high - volume production scanners.
RGB对CMYK转换也是做出购买决定的因素, 特别是大量生产场合用的扫描仪.
互联网Color separation depends on accurate calculation of how much CMYK to RGB close to scan.
互联网Business card printing and membership card making the image pattern must be CMYK mode.
互联网In other words, edit images with RGB mode, CMYK mode displays an image.
也不离是说, 用RGB模式编纂图像,用CMYK模式表现图像.
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