This floating trash clogs the waterways, clutters the fields, ruins the gardens and blights the trees.
这些塑料袋令水道阻塞, 田间混乱, 它们破坏着花园,使树木有伤大雅.
互联网Be cautious with your use of CC ; overuse simply clutters inboxes.
也不要随意乱用抄送, 不然 会造成对方收件箱的混乱.
互联网None of the proposed Methods: Will effective enough to remove ground clutters.
互联网This thesis introduce the properties of sea clutters, sea clutters elimination, development direction and anti - interference .
简要介绍了海杂波特性, 海杂波的抑制技术和发展方向,以及脉冲多普勒雷达 抗干扰 技术.
互联网This thesis introduce the properties of sea clutters, sea clutters elimination, development direction.
简要介绍了海杂波特性, 海杂波的抑制技术及其发展方向.
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