填充测验法 (测验阅读理解能力的方法);
Review the Methods : We used to do cloze test and reading comprehension.
互联网It'shows that , generally speaking, cloze test is a valid testing format.
结果表明, 完形测试总的来说是一种有效的测试形式.
互联网The results from this questionnaire would compare with the cloze test.
互联网For example, MC cloze sometimes is used to test only vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
比如, 多选选择完形填空有时只用来测试学生的词汇和语法能力.
互联网In general, cloze test can be classified into multiple - choice cloze format and open cloze format.
一般来说, 完形测试可以分为多项选择式完型填空和开放式完型填空.
互联网In general, cloze test can be classified into multiple - choice cloze ( MC cloze ) and open cloze ( OC ).
一般来说, 完形测试可以分为多项选择式完形填空和开放式完形 填空.
互联网The reliability coefficient of the multiple - choice cloze was estimated by the Kuder - Richardson 20 ( K - R 20 ).
多项选择式完形填空题的信度以K -R 20来计算.
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