
  • 释义
  • 多云的;含糊的;浑浊的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    It is not uncommon that a sunny morning will turn out to be a cloudy day at this time of the year.


  • 2、

    Men are subject to sudden changes of fortune as the moon is subject to the changes of being full and crescent, cloudy and clear.

    人有旦夕祸福, 月有阴晴圆缺.

  • 3、

    Cloudy mornings turn to clear afternoons.


  • 4、

    Cloudy sky drove the bathers off the beach.


  • 5、

    It's so cloudy and cold that it's likely to snow.


  • 6、

    a grey, cloudy day


  • 7、

    Cloudy skies hang over the city before a rainstorm in Beijing, China.

    中国北京, 暴风雨来临前乌云笼罩着这个城市.

  • 8、

    They cannot concentrate the diffused sunlight of cloudy days.


  • 9、

    And when the night is cloudy, There is still a light that shines on me.

    即便是夜色混沌, 也会有月亮的光辉与我相伴.

  • 10、

    It is dull with a cloudy sky today.


  • 11、

    There was only a tiny patch of blue in the cloudy sky.


  • 12、

    No. It may be cloudy in the afternoon, but there is no rain.

    不会,下午可能会阴天, 但是不会下雨.

  • 13、

    Only a tiny patch of blue was visible in the cloudy sky.


  • 14、

    The afternoon was cloudy, then there was a little rain after dark.

    下午天气很阴, 然后天黑以后下了点雨.

  • 15、

    If the sky is cloudy the duration of the real twilight is of course considerably shorter.


  • 16、

    We observed that it had turned cloudy.


  • 17、

    We wanted to see the sunset but the sky was too cloudy.


  • 18、

    Life is like cloudy sky, but with a smile you will see the sunshine.

    生活就像乌云密布的天空, 但是带着微笑你就能看到阳光.

  • 19、

    It's becoming / getting cold, dark, cloudy, etc.

    天渐渐冷了 、 黑了 、 多云了等.

  • 20、

    The title of the film was Cloudy Monday.


  • 21、

    One must go to see a doctor if he gets a cloudy vitreous humor.


  • 22、

    Under the cloudy vault of heaven, a small boat was sailing on the sea.

    在阴暗的天穹下, 一叶小舟在海上航行.

  • 23、

    It was cloudy and cold. So we went back to station and got on train.

    今天的天气多云而且有点冷, 所以我们走回火车站去搭火车.

  • 24、

    The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality.

    由于这个议案明显地违反了宪法, 它能否得到通过的前景就有点不明显了.

  • 25、

    Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is cloudy.

    鲍勃总是很喜欢航行, 即使空中乌云密布.

  • 26、

    It was cloudy yesterday.


  • 27、

    This afternoon will be cloudy, turning clear.


  • 28、

    Cloudy skies grounded planes to Washington.


  • 29、

    The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.

    石灰水变得混浊了, 可见在实验中有二氧化碳生成了.

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