
  • 释义
  • 牧师;圣职人员;神职人员;宗教领袖;宗教领导人

  • 助记/扩展
  • cleric主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时译为“(基督教的)教牧人员;(任一宗教的)牧师”,作形容词时译为“牧师的,教士的”。

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    A dwarf cleric declares a holy crusade against ores.


  • 2、

    The grand cleric sent a legion of templars to hunt the fugitive.


  • 3、

    In Shia Iran , by contrast, religion has top place: the supreme leader is always a cleric.

    反,在什叶派的伊朗, 宗教具有最高地位: 最高领导人总是神职人员.

  • 4、

    Muhammad Tantawi, Egypt's senior cleric, died in Saudi Arabia, aged 81.

    埃及宗教领袖谢赫?穆罕默德?坦塔维在沙特阿拉伯过世, 享年81岁.

  • 5、

    Iranian reformists regarded the cleric as the spiritual patron of their movement.


  • 6、

    A title and an office conferred a male cleric by a pope.


  • 7、

    Young cleric : That area is closely associated with lies and secrets.


  • 8、

    The drought has been orchestrated by an evil Black Miao cleric and the trio confronts him.


  • 9、

    Old cleric : You are the picture of perfect health.


  • 10、

    Sacrifice a Cleric: You gain life equal to that Cleric's toughness.

    {白},横置,牺牲一个僧侣: 你获得等同于该僧侣防御力的生命.

  • 11、

    Old cleric : My assistant here has an alternate theary, however, that may lead to some quicker results.

    Oldcleric:不过我的这位助手有一套备用理论, 可能可以较快产生疗效.

  • 12、

    A cleric ranking just below a priest in the Anglican , Eastern Orthodox, and Roman churches.

    罗马天主教是第二个最大的团体,有四千六百万教徒.犹太教徒有五百六十万, 东正教徒有七十万.

  • 13、

    The cleric , Ahmed Bukhari, said the 17 th century structure was in urgent need of repair.


  • 14、

    Young cleric : Your phrenology tests indicate a high level to mental stress, specifically in this area.

    Youngcleric:您的颅相学测试表明您的心理压力很高, 特别是在这个区域.

  • 15、

    Ward Shield – Protects the Cleric from the next two incoming attacks.


  • 16、

    The higher the constitution, the longer the player can wait for a cleric to revive them.

    体格数值越高, 玩家等待牧师复活的时间就可以维持更长.

  • 17、

    An English cleric once warned that unchecked population growth could lead to famine, disease and conflict.

    曾经有一位英国人警告说,人口不加抑制地增长,则有可能导致饥荒 、 疫病和冲突.

  • 18、

    Old cleric : However there is still hope.

    Oldcleric: 但希望还是有的.

  • 19、

    Bonus Feats: The epic cleric gains a bonus feat at levels 23, 26,29 levels.

    奖励专长: 传奇牧师在23级, 26级,29级将得到奖励专长.

  • 20、

    You wanted him as the bridegroom, not as the officiating cleric.

    你想把他作为你的新郎, 而不是一个履行公事的神父.

  • 21、

    His grandfather was a Muslim cleric.

