
  • 释义
  • 清洁剂;清洁工;擦亮粉,去污粉;清洁器;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Noni is a blood cleanser and will attach to most toxins rendering them harmless.


  • 2、

    Cleansing method: To wipe up or extract with cloth, abrasive paper or cleanser.

    清理方法: 以布 、 砂或清洁剂等适合物质,擦拭吸取清洁.

  • 3、

    Use as a daily cleanser to kill blackhead and breakout causing bacteria.


  • 4、

    Biolight Optimal Condensation Face Cream Cleanser.


  • 5、

    So Instead use sex toy cleanser that can be bought at a sex shop.


  • 6、

    Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser.


  • 7、

    The water started to dry autumn and winter, course, to Cleanser ( milk ).

    开始干燥缺水的秋冬季, 当然要交给洁面乳 ( milk ).

  • 8、

    Ingredient: Deep sea cleanser gene, natural willow extraction, bee gel extraction, corn mint and herbs extraction.

    成分: 海洋深层洁肤因子 、 天然柳树皮萃取液 、 蜂胶萃取液 、 清爽薄荷和草本植物精华成分.

  • 9、

    Lavender Cleanser is the latest addition to our popular Organic Tube Range.


  • 10、

    The solution: Wash skin no more than twice a day and choose your cleanser wisely.

    解决办法: 每天洗脸不超过两次,明智地选择你的洗面霜.

  • 11、

    I want a tube of granular cleanser.


  • 12、

    Do not clean battery water or any impregnant cleanser, and put battery into water.

    不要用水或有机溶剂清洗电池, 也不要把电池浸入水中.

  • 13、

    I'm going to purchase the cleanser from the dry skin line too.


  • 14、

    Content: Rose essential oil, Herb cleanser, high effective moisture gene, Grape seed essence, VA.

    成份: 玫瑰精油 、 植物洁肤因子 、 高效保湿因子, 葡萄耔精华 、 精纯VA等.

  • 15、

    Moisten face and pump Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser into your hand or cloth.


  • 16、

    A penetrating and refreshing cleanser that improves your complexion.


  • 17、

    She scoured the saucepan with cleanser.


  • 18、

    Usage: Apply evenly to face after cleanser, tap and gently massage to absorb.

    使用方法: 洁面后, 取适量本品均匀涂于面部,轻拍至吸收.
