Common body cooling, afraid of the cold, pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene.
常见肢体发凉 、 怕冷 、 疼痛,间歇跛行甚或肢端溃疡和坏疽.
互联网The medical term for this condition is " intermittent claudication. "
这个症状的医学术语是 “ 间歇性跛行 ”.
互联网About 10 percent of people with PAD have intermittent claudication.
互联网Early symptoms: cold limbs, numbness, paresthesia, intermittent claudication etc.
初起症状是患肢发凉 、 麻木 、 感觉异常 、 间歇性跛行等.
互联网Would you give the definition of intermittent claudication?
互联网Results. A smaller masa was directly related to shorter walking distance before claudication.
结果: 较小的mCSA患者,其出现跛行前的行走距离也较短.
互联网Symptomatic spinal stenosis was defined as stenosis diagnosed by MRI and combined with neurologic claudication.
互联网In contrast, a historical query for intermittent claudication would underestimate the prevalence of PAD.
相反, 询问间歇性跛行病史又会过低估计患病率.
互联网Conclusions - Rifalazil did not improve exercise performance or quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication.
结论 — 利福拉齐不能提高间歇性跛行患者运动能力和生活水平.
互联网Results All of 60 cases have intermittent claudication, lower limb numbness and pain.
结果60例均有不同程度的间歇性跛行 、 下肢麻木、疼痛.
互联网Objecties . To elucidate the mechanisms of neurogenic intermittent claudication in lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
互联网Patients with LCS accompanied by intermittent claudication adopt a forward - bending posture during walking.
互联网Therefore, the venous stasis may be a major factor of neurogenic intermittent claudication.
因此, 静脉停滞可能是神经原性间歇性跛行的主要原因.
互联网Foreign reports medication could reduce rest pain and intermittent claudication, and promote ulcer healing.
国外报道服药后能减轻静息痛和间歇性跛行, 促进溃疡愈合.
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