communication link analyzer 通讯连接分析器;
BHT and BHA + BHT ( 1:1 ) are higher anti - oxidation abilities of CLA than other antioxidants.
抗氧化剂BHT、 BHA+BHT对CLA氧化有抑制作用,两者的 抗 氧化性能接近.
互联网Can't you tell a spy from a ClA agent?
难道你分不清间谍和特工人员 吗 ?
电影对白Why would he carve himself up if he were still ClA?
电影对白How could you say that as the chief of the ClA?
电影对白The average resistant rates for respective antibiotics were Ofl ( 87.4 % ), Ery ( 59.2 % ) , Cip ( 39.0 % ) , Azi ( 17.2 % ), Tet ( 13.6 % ), Cla ( 7.8 % ), Dox ( 6.1 % ), Jos ( 1.6 % ) and PRI ( 0.6 % ).
各抗生素平均耐药率由高向低依次为:氧氟沙星 ( Ofl)87.4%,红霉素 ( Ery ) 59.2%, 环丙沙星 ( Cip ) 39.0%, 阿奇霉素 ( Azi ) 17.2%, 四环素 ( Tet) 13.6%, 克拉霉素 ( Cla ) 7.8%, 强力霉素 ( Dox ) 6.1%, 交沙霉素 ( Jos ) 1.6% 和原始霉素 ( PRI)0.6%.
互联网The concentration of tt - CLA by acid - catalyzed method was 24.66 %.
互联网Human HDL - R is also known as CLA - 1 ( CD 36 and LIMPII analogous - 1 ).
人的HDL -R 被称为CLA -1 ( CD36andLIMPanalogous -1 ).
互联网The CLA content Safflower & Citrus is naturally derived from safflower a healthy source of CLA.
互联网Conjugated Linoleic Acid ( CLA ), being a new functional fatty acid, was concerned by people now.
共轭亚油酸 ( CLA ) 作为一种新型的保健脂肪酸, 日益受到人们的关注.
互联网The highest yield of c 9 , t 11 - CLA was found in MRS medium by L . helveticus L 7.
helveticusL7生物转化的CLA产物 由c9,t11 -CLA 和t9,t11-CLA组成.
互联网Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) is a positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid.
共轭亚油酸 ( CLA ) 是亚油酸的同分异构体的混合物,主要来源于牛乳、乳制品及反刍动物食品的天然营养成分.
互联网Conjugated Linoleic Acid ( CLA ) are isomers linoleic acid and beneficial for people health.
共轭亚油酸 ( CLA ) 是亚油酸的一组构象和位置异构体,对人体健康有着重大的意义.
互联网Transitional metals ( Fe 3 + ) play an extremely important role in catalyzing CLA oxidation.
变价金属离子 ( Fe~(3+ ) )能够促进共轭亚油酸氧化.
互联网It's one of the biggest events. It's a cla ic race.
我也是.我还期待着马拉松比赛.这是重大的奥运会项目之一. 它是经典的比赛项目.
互联网Make sure if he is in the cla room.
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