蝉( cicada的名词复数 );
Only TangBian willows of cicadas, a sound and then a voice called, particularly merry.
只有塘边柳枝上的蝉声, 一声接着一声,叫得特别欢畅.
互联网It is given by males but attracts cicadas of both sexes.
互联网According meters flower growth and the life of the cicadas are surprisingly similar.
互联网The call of cicadas seems especially mournful after the autumn.
互联网Above the noise of the crickets, cicadas, and peeping frogs, water babbled and gurgled nearby.
在一片蟋蟀 、 知了 、 偷窥的青蛙发出的噪音中, 潺潺的流水在附近汩汩流淌.
互联网Out of the window, the bustle voice was louder than the sound made by cicadas.
互联网You will find that answer only in the library of the cicadas.
辞典例句Because of their limited sound producing mechanisms, cicadas can make only ticks and buzzes.
由于蝉有限的发声机制, 它们只能制造滴答声和嗡嗡声.
互联网The boys were netting cicadas in the woods.
辞典例句Only male cicadas chirp in late summer, and early autumn.
互联网He was awakened by the noise of the cicadas.
互联网At the Brookfield Zoo, cicadas are a lot more than just really noisy insects: They're delicious.
在布鲁克费尔德动物园, 蝉不仅仅是一种爱吵闹的昆虫,它们也是美味食品.
互联网Cicadas complain of thin mulberry - trees In the Eighth - month chill at the frontier pass.
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