
  • 释义
  • 菊花;菊属;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Each mourner wore a black armband and a white paper chrysanthemum.


  • 2、

    When the autumn comes, full channel is blooming mother chrysanthemum.

    秋天到来时, 满沟盛开着野菊花.

  • 3、

    The chrysanthemum other name Chrysanthemum, compositae, may make the drink also is the medicine.

    菊花又名黄花, 属菊科, 可作饮料也是药物.

  • 4、

    Liuyang exquisite chrysanthemum stone carving skills, clever ideas, Panama won a medal Expo.

    浏阳菊花石雕技艺精湛, 构思巧妙, 曾获得巴拿马万国博览会奖牌.

  • 5、

    Sunday, the sun is shining brightly, with a brother and sister at Chrysanthemum.

    星期日, 阳光明媚, 姐姐带着弟弟去看菊花.

  • 6、

    The chrysanthemum show is full of the beauty of autumn.


  • 7、

    Children in school learn poems about chrysanthemums, and many localities host a chrysanthemum exhibit.

    学校里的孩子们学习有关菊花的诗, 许多地方举办菊花展.

  • 8、

    She motioned towards rather than handed to her mistress a beautiful yellow chrysanthemum.


  • 9、

    GB And I like chrysanthemum tea.


  • 10、

    There's jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours.

    有茉莉花茶, 菊花茶, 很多不同的口味.

  • 11、

    Standard cut chrysanthemum is planted in greenhouse to fit market requirements for year round production.


  • 12、

    Did chrysanthemum tea drink honey what to profit there is?

    蜂蜜菊花茶喝了有什么益处 啊 ?

  • 13、

    Why do not you get a haircut, you look like a chrysanthemum.

    你为什么不去理发, 你简直像朵菊花了.

  • 14、

    You can choose lots of different kinds of tea. There's jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavors.

    有很多种类供你选择. 有茉莉花茶, 菊花茶, 很多不同的口味.

  • 15、

    Cannot the person of hematic depress drink chrysanthemum tea?

    血压低的人不能喝菊花茶 吗 ?

  • 16、

    A You can choose lots of different kinds of tea. There's jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours.

    A有很多种类供你选择. 有茉莉花茶, 菊花茶, 很多不同的口味.

  • 17、

    Tori adopted even without the chrysanthemum, or at least I can sit watching the world Yunjuanyunshu!

    即使没有在东篱采菊, 至少我可以坐看天下云卷云舒!

  • 18、

    Enjoys the chrysanthemum is one of double ninth festival active.


  • 19、

    In the garbage, I find those missing limbs plexus, only a little tree root chrysanthemum.

    在垃圾堆里, 我找回了那丛四肢残缺 、 只剩下一点根的菊花树.

  • 20、

    We serve Wu Long tea 、 black tea 、 green tea 、 jasmine tea and Chrysanthemum tea.


  • 21、

    People held parties, drank chrysanthemum liquor to celebrate it.

    人们聚会 、 喝菊花酒庆祝.

  • 22、

    It is best time to enjoy the flourishing chrysanthemum during the Double Ninth Festival.


  • 23、

    Honeysuckle and mother chrysanthemum and what can treat gum inflammation together?


  • 24、

    There are many species of chrysanthemum.


  • 25、

    Dry white chrysanthemum can improve eyesight and reduce internal heat.


  • 26、

    There is a chrysanthemum show every autumn in the Dr. Sun Yatsen Memorial Park of Beijing.


  • 27、

    An insecticide derived from a plant, e . g . pyrethrum ( from Chrysanthemum flowers ).

    3来源于植物的杀虫剂, 例如除虫菊 ( 来源于菊花 ).
