On OCT choroidal folds involved choroid and retinal pigment epithelial layer ( RPEL ).
OCT 检查显示皱褶累及脉络膜和视网膜色素上皮层.
互联网Objective To investigate the ultrasonographic characteristics of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma ( CCH ).
目的探讨孤立型脉络膜血管瘤的 超声 诊断价值.
互联网Objective To study the clinical application of fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) in choroidal contusion.
目的分析荧光素眼底血管造影 ( FFA ) 在脉络膜挫伤诊断中的意义.
互联网To investigate the mechanism of repeating - 70 ℃ freeze thawing on human choroidal melanoma cell line OCM - 1 .
[目的]研究-70℃反复冻融体外杀伤人眼脉络膜黑色素瘤细胞系OCM -1 的机制.
互联网The complications included hyphema, shallow anterior chamber, choroidal detachment, obstruction of tube tip and tube exposure.
并发症包括前房出血 、 浅前房 、 脉络膜脱离 、 引流管内口堵塞、引流管外露.
互联网Objective To evaluate the clinical and histopathological features of diffuse choroidal melanoma.
互联网Laser photocoagulation may be effective in decreasing subretinal fluid in eyes affected by choroidal osteoma.
互联网Objective : To analyze the characters of choroidal fissure cyst from MRI.
互联网To establish a new model of orthotopic - transplantation tumor of human malignant choroidal melanoma.
互联网Results The shallow anterior chamber recovered and the choroidal detachment was cured.
互联网Objective To evaluate the value of color Doppler flow imaging ( CDFI ) in diagnosis of choroidal melanoma.
目的探讨彩色 多普勒 超声在脉络膜黑色素瘤诊断中的价值.
互联网PURPOSE : To evaluate the therapeutic effect of argon laser photocoagulation on choroidal osteoma.
目的: 探讨脉络膜骨瘤激光治疗的作用和效果.
互联网We report a case of 34 years - old female patient of choroidal melanoma.
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