A method of dilute alkali - enzyme hydrolysis to extract chondroitin sulfate from the pig cartilage was studied.
互联网The research progress of chondroitin sulfate , including production, analysis and biological activities is reviewed.
综述了硫酸软骨素在生产工艺 、 分析方法及生物活性等方面的研究进展.
互联网The company is in Shandong Province, Linyi City, Junan Xian most standardized chondroitin sulfate production enterprises.
公司是山东省, 临沂市, 莒南县最具规范化的硫酸软骨素生产企业.
互联网PurposeTo extract and purify chondroitin sulfate ( chs ) from pig cartilage.
目的从猪鼻软骨中提纯硫酸 软骨素.
互联网Chondroitin Sulfate is white or yellowish powder, with characteristic odor. CS is extremely hygroscopic once dried.
硫酸软骨素为白色或微黄色粉末, 有特征气味,干燥后极易受潮.
互联网Objective To observe effect of Chondroitin sulfate and D - glucosamine on immunological function in mice.
互联网Chondroitin sulfate was extracted from the eggshell membrane with a method of dilute alkali - enzyme hydrolysis.
互联网Cartilage is formed from glucosamine and chondroitin sulphates in the body.
互联网Glucosamine Chondroitin Extra Strength provides important building blocks for healthy joints and connective tissues.
互联网Manganese , glucosamine, and chondroitin assist your body in the building and repair of cartilage.
锰, 葡萄糖和软骨素帮助你的身体在建设和修复软骨.
互联网Chondroitin is believed to help draw fluid into the cartilage, making it more flexible.
软骨素被认为有助于软骨吸收液体, 使之更加柔软灵活.
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