Yet the tourism barons were fairly chipper.
互联网Willfully chipper, perhaps , barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.
他可以随心所欲,畅所欲言.这样虽然容易授人以柄,给自己造成伤害, 但却能保持轻松愉快的心情, 使自己不那么压抑.
互联网He looked unusually chipper this morning.
柯林斯例句The chipper was posh , too : scampi on the menu on the wall behind the counter.
互联网Run it through the wood chipper, and then incorporate the bits into various food items.
通过木片片使用它, 然后把它组合成各种食品.
互联网I am a chipper and optimistic girl.
互联网Aidan : I don't want anything. I'm hungry. Let's get our coats and head to a chipper.
艾丹: 我什么也不要了. 我饿了. 我们穿衣服走吧,到快餐店买些东西吃.
互联网When our L 1011 left the Orlando airport that Friday morning, we were a chipper , high - energy group.
那个星期五的早上,当L1011航班飞离奥兰多机场的时候, 我们这群人是穿着入时并且精神抖擞.
互联网These products'prices are usually chipper and power consumption is more concerned about.
互联网What tree chipper he fed her four - year - old body into?
他用什么切割机把她四 岁 的尸体肢解了?
电影对白You're looking chipper this morning.
互联网The plan was put into effect and the new wood chipper worked well.
互联网Chipper lovable semblance , sentimental, amiable and easy of access, rich sentiment, is a typical Cancer.
小仪,外表活泼可爱, 内心多愁善感, 平易近人, 感情丰富, 是典型的巨蟹座.
互联网The workers were feeding branches into the wood chipper.
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