Developing the tests to do this study without further endangering chimp populations took seven years.
——期刊摘选Three weeks after Flo's death, the formerly healthy young chimp is dead, too.
福娄死后3周, 这只曾经年轻健康的小黑猩猩也死掉了.
——期刊摘选Developing the tests to do this study without further chimp populations took seven years.
——期刊摘选Performing a CT scan of a chimp is not easy addsand requires the very latest scanners.
——期刊摘选The chimp sat quietly in a corner, watching the psychologist arrange the crates.
那猩猩很安静地坐在房间的一隅, 看着那位心理学家摆放着那些箱子.
——期刊摘选Nearly 80 % of the time, the second chimp did the right thing.
在80%的情况下, 第二个黑猩猩打开了门.
——期刊摘选The chimp is the champ.
——期刊摘选However, aren't we suppose to be further evolved than a chimp?
然而, 我们不应该比黑猩猩更高级 吗 ?
——期刊摘选The genius caricatured as a chimp by Victorian satirists issued a coded warning against defensive mergers.
——期刊摘选Now bonobos , the other chimp species, or Pan paniscus, enjoy horsing around well into adulthood.
而倭黑猩猩是黑猩猩属中的另外一种, 他们嬉闹着长大.
——期刊摘选She is not a missing link, but her skeleton is half human, half chimp.
塞拉姆并不是人类进化过程中缺失的一环, 但她一半很接近于人类, 另一半却更像猿类.
——期刊摘选Popular realizations of MPI standard are CHIMP and LAM and so on.
目前,公用的MPI实现 有CHIMP、lam等.
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