
  • 释义
  • 校验和;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    So in the first 4 boxes I put 4 F 3 C 2 BAB, and the same thing with the Checksum.

    所以在最初4盒我把4F3C2BAB, 以及与校验同样的事情.

  • 2、

    How to generate MD 5 checksum files?


  • 3、

    Updates current checksum with the specified array of bytes.


  • 4、

    Compare the file checksum displayed here with the checksum you calculate.


  • 5、

    Article'% 1'passed data validation ( rowcount and checksum ).

    项目 “ %1”已通过数据验证 ( 行数验证和校验值验证 ).

  • 6、

    An output stream also maintains a checksum of the data being written.


  • 7、

    This is a string and the string of CRC checksum code, thank you!

    这是一个字符串和这个字符串的CRC32校验码, 谢谢!

  • 8、

    A checksum value contains invalid hexadecimal digits or has an odd number of digits.


  • 9、

    This cell contains a checksum of the database record.


  • 10、

    The operating system requires the checksum for device drivers.


  • 11、

    This option sets the checksum in the header of executable file.


  • 12、

    Checksum mismatch. This file has been changed.

    检查和不匹配. 该文件已被更改.

  • 13、

    Profile used by the Merge Agent to perform rowcount and checksum validation.


  • 14、

    Checksum intake valve and bypass valve.


  • 15、

    These represent the checksum and associated status flag. Their use is described in Chapter 19.

    这些用于承载检验和以及状态标志. 会在第19章中讨论它们的使用.

  • 16、

    Can realize the process of data transmission functions of CRC checksum cycle.


  • 17、

    Incorrect checksum computed for the backup set on device % ls . The backup set cannot be restored.

    对设备%1! 上的备份集计算得到的校验值不正确.备份集无法还原.

  • 18、

    Resets the checksum to its initial value.


  • 19、

    An input stream also maintains a checksum of the data being read.


  • 20、

    Streamlined the in game downloader and added checksum verification.


  • 21、

    All articles in the publication passed data validation ( rowcount and checksum ).

    发布中的所有项目已通过数据验证 ( 指行数验证和值校验 ).

  • 22、

    Based on the C # Serial Communication Management, which contains CRC checksum.

    基于C # 的串口通讯管理类, 含有CRC校验.

  • 23、

    Article'% 1'failed data validation ( rowcount and checksum ).

    项目 “ %1”未通过数据验证 ( 行数验证和校验值验证 ).

  • 24、

    Benefits: The algorithm is fast because no checksum has to be calculated.

    优点: 因为没有效验总和被计算,运算法则是快速的.

  • 25、

    The CRC checksum of the original working file.


  • 26、

    WARNING: Calculated CRC checksum does not match value stored in file.

    警告: 计算出来的CRC校验值与储存在档案中的值不符.

  • 27、

    The checksum can then be used to verify the integrity of the input data.


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