To automatically run desktop cleanup every 60 days, select the checkbox.
要自动每隔60天运行桌面清理, 请选择此复选框.
互联网The following components will be uninstalled. To choose to uninstall a component, check the checkbox.
以下组件将被卸载.要选择卸载组件, 选中复选框.
互联网To synchronize a particular type of information, select its checkbox.
若要同步特定类型的信息, 请选中其复选框.
互联网Controls whether or not the user can select the indeterminate state of the CheckBox.
互联网To make a set of voice commands available, tap the checkbox.
要使一组声音命令可用, 请点击该复选框.
互联网In the preferences window simply click the'scale Strokes and Effects'checkbox.
在预置窗口只需点击 ’ 缩放轮廓和规模效应 ’ 复选框.
互联网This color appears next to the checkbox.
互联网If the checkbox appears dimmed, this feature is not available.
如果复选框显示为灰色, 则此功能不可用.
互联网Click the checkbox again to hide the column.
互联网Uncheck the checkbox in front of MetaTexis, and click OK.
去掉MetaTexis复选 框前面的选择, 然后点击确定.
互联网Specifies whether a checkbox control is centered within the control boundaries.
互联网Check this checkbox if you want to add gift messages.
互联网Un checking a checkbox will remove the field from the PivotTable.
互联网The checkbox is used for options that can be enabled or disabled.
互联网Select the checkbox next to each computer you want a shortcut to.
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