The typical clinical manifestations were vertigo, cerebellar ataxia as well as nystagmus.
临床表现以眩晕、呕吐 、 小脑性共济失调、眼球震颤为主.
——期刊摘选Cerebellar hypoplasia is not a sonographic feature of isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum.
互联网Objective To find out a better culture medium for cultivating mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells.
互联网CT Diagnosis of Cerebellar Hemangioblastomas ( An analysis of 21 casas )
小脑血管母细胞瘤的CT表现 ( 附21例分析 )
互联网The diagnosis and treatment of 23 patients with cerebellar hemorrhage.
互联网Action tremor is worst during intention movement and occurs in cerebellar disease.
互联网Spinal cord. Locomotion . Oculomotor control . Cerebellar structure and function.
脊髓, 运动,眼球运动的支配,小脑构造和功能.
互联网Cortical tubers are most commonly supratentorial although 8 % to % of affected patients have cerebellar tubers.
互联网Cerebellar white - matter was severely involved, but the grey - matter nucleus were not involved.
以小脑半球白质受累最为严重, 但其灰质核团未见受累.
互联网Conclusion CT scan can find focus of cerebellar hemorrhage earlier than MRI. But it has limitation.
互联网A new kind of FCMAC ( Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller ) is presented.
提出了一种模糊小脑模型神经网络 ( FCMAC ) .
互联网Objective The damage for the cerebellar cortex by cerebral temporarily ischemia in rabbit were study.
互联网Objective To investigate the factors influenced the prognosis of hypertensive cerebellar hemorrhage.
互联网Result: 1 case was onset as cerebellar infarction, the other was secondary to nephrotic syndrome.
结果: 本组患者1例以小脑梗塞起病, 另1例继发于肾病综合征.
互联网Objective : To review of study diagnosis and treatment of acute cerebellar infarction.
目的: 回顾研究急性小脑梗死的诊断及治疗.
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