ceramic 陶器的;ceramics 制陶术;陶瓷学;conditioned emotional response 条件性情绪反应;
Describes the function and behavior of constrained execution regions ( CERs ).
介绍受约束的执行区域 ( CER ) 的功能和行为.
——期刊摘选Chinese CERs are too cheap and the carbon price is too low and too volatile.
互联网The method is not written with CERs in mind ( which is the most likely scenario ).
编写此方法时未考虑CER ( 这是最可能的情况 ).
互联网Together with the offer, we submit a cer - tification contract.
我们与报价一起提交一 份认证 合同.
互联网All information is inputted into CER Network Database.
互联网CER of 20~29,30~39 and 40~49 age groups with high risk were under GDP.
互联网My life in the factory is a far cer from his.
互联网Current CH 4 emission, which is finally the basis CER calculation, depends very much on current AWMS!
互联网Packages canbe plastic, ceramic, Cer - DIP, or other type.
封装类型可以是塑料型 、 陶瓷型 、 陶瓷双列直插型或其它类型.
互联网Retail seller's own name brands emerged when market competition develo ped to a cer - tain stage.
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