Macro - defect - free cements have become an important orientation of high performance cementitious materials.
无 宏观 缺陷水泥已成为高性能胶凝材料学科的重要研究方向.
互联网Microwave ( MW ) heating technique is used to synthesize the cementitious materials.
互联网The alkaline cementitious properties of calcining clay which contain kaolin e and quartz is studied.
互联网In this paper, the investigation of soft alkali - activated cementitious slag material in Jinai University were showed.
互联网Chemical shrinkage: absolute volume reduction associated with the hydration reactions in a cementitious material.
化学收缩: 与水泥胶结材料中的水合反应相关联的绝对体积的缩小.
互联网Fly ash has the potential chemical cementitious characteristics and high specific surface area.
互联网Cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing agents have excellent waterproofing properties and second infiltration resistance.
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