Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello No.7 in B major, Op. 97, Archduke.
大调第七钢琴 、 小提琴和大提琴三重奏曲, 作品97, “大公三重奏”
——期刊摘选Adagio and Rondo for glass harmonica, flute, oboe, viola, and cello.
为玻璃乐器, 长笛, 双簧管, 中提琴, 与大提琴的慢版与轮旋曲.
——期刊摘选Through intensively study, we attempt to find the path and essential of Elgar's cello concertos.
经过深层次的研究, 揭示了埃尔加大提琴协奏曲的掌握途径和要领.
互联网Did you see the guy playing the cello?
——电影对白Ma Yoyo's gorgeous techniques in playing the cello have earned him admiration and thunderous applauses.
——期刊摘选She plays the cello in an orchestra.
——《简明英汉词典》Ben would have a spectrum and warmer sound, something like a cello.
而富兰克林,我会让他是那大提琴,带着宽厚,温暖, 智慧的音色.
——期刊摘选Ma's primary performance instrument is the Domenico Montagnana 1733 cello built in Venice and nicknamed Petunia.
——期刊摘选I remember an old joke asking about the difference between a violin and a cello.
——期刊摘选He also owns cello made of carbon fibre, by the Luis and Clark company of Boston.
他还有一把碳纤维大提琴, 由波士顿的路易斯和克拉克公司制作.
——期刊摘选The cello makes low and deep sounds.
——期刊摘选Rose: Oh , yes, he's a great 4 cello player.
柔丝: 哦, 是吗.他是一位很棒的大提琴演奏家.
——期刊摘选He would give me a cello and money to live on.
——期刊摘选One does not learn to straddle a cello that way at a conservatory.
——期刊摘选May I see another cello?
可以再看看另外一把大提琴 吗 ?
——期刊摘选She plays a melodious cello.
——期刊摘选How do I know you won't just drive off with the cello?
我怎么知道你会不会劫了我的大提琴开走 呢 ?
——期刊摘选The oboe and cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone.
双簧管和大提琴双重奏, 音调此起彼伏.
——期刊摘选The string instruments mainly are the violin, the viola, the cello and the bass.
弦乐器主要有小提琴 、 中提琴 、 大提琴和低音提琴.
——期刊摘选I went to a cello and piano concert last week.
——期刊摘选A cello prodigy at the age of four, he entered the prestigious 1 Juilliard School in 1962.
他四岁便被视为大提琴神童, 七岁便进入享誉全球的茱莉亚音乐学校就读.
——期刊摘选All this from playing the violin and the cello.
——期刊摘选The cello is a member of the violin family.
——《简明英汉词典》Even for him, the cello an 17 intractable instrument, unforgiving of ambition.
即使对他来说, 大提琴也是难以驾驭的乐器 —— 它对雄心万丈的人也一样铁面无情.
——期刊摘选A cello prodigy at the age of four, he entered the prestigious Juilliard School in 1962.
他四岁便被视为大提琴神童, 七岁便进入享誉全地球的茱莉亚音乐学院就读.
——期刊摘选The concert will feature choir, cello, French horn and violin performances.
七月二十三日举办记者会, 大提琴家张正杰将带来一场感人的音乐飨宴.
——期刊摘选Even for him, the cello is an intractable instrument, unforgiving of ambition.
即使对他来说, 大提琴也是难以驾驭的乐器──它对雄心万丈的人也一样铁面无情.
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