Its are ordinal and ordinal for: Bipod - two crus - two ham - coxal - the small of the back - celiac breast - cervical - the head.
其顺序依次为: 两脚 - 两小腿 - 两大腿 - 臀部 - 腰背部 - 腹胸部 - 颈部 - 头部.
互联网The right vagus divides into celiac and gastric branches.
辞典例句People who have celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, and barley.
脂泻病患者对于谷蛋白(小麦中的一种蛋白) 、 黑麦 、 大麦不能耐受.
——期刊摘选Celiac disease in the elderly.
——期刊摘选It'showed celiac artery hemodynamics had no difference between normal male and female ( P > 0.05 ).
结果显示,正常人男女之间的肝血流动力学参数无明显差异 ( P>0.05 ).
互联网The small intestinal mucosa at high magnification shows marked chronic inflammation in celiac sprue.
互联网Celiac sprue has a prevalence of about 1:2000 Caucasians, but is rarely seen in other races.
脂肪痢在白种人中的发病率为1:2000, 但很少发生在别的种族.
互联网Can be after doing uterine tumour to open celiac art, you still borne?
做过子宫肌瘤开腹术后还能生育 吗 ?
互联网A gluten - free diet is recommended for those who test positive for celiac.
互联网Objective To research the angiographic anatomy of celiac artery in rabbit.
互联网Objective To evaluate the effect of fibrin glue on preventing adhesion after celiac operation.
互联网At why be being planted does celiac lens basically apply the operation of the disease?
互联网Celiac artery angiography diagnostic accuracy rate of about 70 %%, and is likely to find cancer early.
腹腔动脉造影的诊断正确率约70%~80%, 并有可能发现早期癌.
互联网There are multiple lymph node groupings in the abdomen, including mesenteric, paraaortic, celiac, and retrogastric.
腹腔里有多个淋巴结组, 包括肠系膜淋巴结, 腹主动脉旁淋巴结, 腹腔干淋巴结, 胃曲淋巴结.
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