As Celia was about to reply, he silenced her with a gesture.
西莉亚刚要张口, 他做了个手势止住她.
辞典例句Celia was in full spate as usual, so I just sat there waiting for her to finish.
西莉亚像往常一样口若悬河说个不停, 我只得坐在那儿等着她把话说完.
——《简明英汉词典》Celia hired an administrator whose name was Nigel Bentley.
辞典例句Celia's letter, handwritten and addressed to Sam, was brief.
辞典例句It was an impressive conclusion, as Celia admitted to herself.
这一结论很能煽动人心, 西莉亚心里也承认.
辞典例句Celia pointed to a stack of papers on her desk.
辞典例句Celia belived the description was, on the whole true.
辞典例句Celia was admiring of Yvonne's decision to apply to veterinary college.
辞典例句At this moment, thoughts of Celia were a digression.
辞典例句Of course Celia will have custody of the children.
辞典例句Celia had decided long ago she would never temporize on that.
辞典例句Celia is a part of that greedy, ruthless, moneycoining, high - pressure drug business.
西莉亚也是那贪婪 、 无情 、 发横财 、 施加高压的药品工业的一分子.
辞典例句Celia had some questions and guilt feeling of her own.
辞典例句Celia, I'm being unfair and rotten to you, am not I?
西莉亚, 我对你太不公平,太刻薄了, 是 吧 ?
辞典例句Again Martin seemed untroubled, yet Celia detected strain beneath the surface.
马丁仍然显得无忧无虑, 但西莉亚察觉到了他内心的焦虑.
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