So we beat on, boats against the current , borne back ceaselessly into the past.
于是我们奋力向前划, 逆流向上的小舟, 不停地倒退,进入过去.
英汉文学 - 盖茨比Mother and son became absorbed in the ceaselessly shifting patterns of the waves.
辞典例句So then, I must keep going , going nonstop , making progress ceaselessly.
那我就不停地走, 不停地前进.
辞典例句The international collaboration of Chinese aviation industry also is strengthened ceaselessly.
互联网We must ceaselessly strengthen the fighting capacity of our army.
互联网Of town and rustic dweller base the Buddhist nun coefficient rises ceaselessly.
互联网Still have laden height, the data that increases ceaselessly.
还有负载高峰, 不断增加的数据.
互联网His eyes, seeing nothing, moved ceaselessly about the room.
他的眼睛现而不见, 可是不停地向屋子里四面看.
英汉文学 - 盖茨比Twain wrote ceaselessly and even gave lectures to earn enough money to overcome his financial losses.
辞典例句Must hold to for a long time accordingly and deepen ceaselessly.
互联网The 3 rd, container is changed of rate rise ceaselessly.
第三, 集装箱化率的不断提高.
互联网ADI innovates ceaselessly in signal processing area, success is remarkable.
ADI在信号措置区域不竭立异, 成就卓越.
互联网How does nightmare do ceaselessly? How did I see horrible book look?
恶梦不断怎么办 啊 ?是不是我看恐怖书看多了 呀 ?
互联网A stream of water trickled ceaselessly over the rocks.
互联网What drives the veteran volunteer to ceaselessly serve others?
什麽样的因素促使这个义工老兵不停地服务他人 呢 ?
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