carrier-controlled approach 载波控制进场;chimpanzee coryza agent 黑猩猩感冒试剂;current-controlled amplifier 电流控制的放大器;cellular cellulose acetate plastics 乙酸纤维素泡沫塑料;
Objective To explore the surgical treatment of congenital choanal atresia ( CCA ) .
目的探讨先天性后鼻孔 闭锁 的手术时机和手术方式.
互联网The atheromatous plaque were detected in CCA ( 64.2 % ) and BIF ( 29.4 % )
斑块发生部位以CCA最多 ( 64.2% ) ,其次是BIF ( 29.4% ).
互联网This paper describes the drug - resistance and sensitivty of four fungi on antiseptic BBF, BCM and CCA.
本研究描述了常见的4种腐朽菌对BBF 、 BCM、CCA防腐剂的耐药性和敏感性试验.
互联网Guarantee conformance of reality with process description by means of CCA audits.
互联网Arrive 10 minutes AM each CCA school Sunday , sign in with the On Duty Board Member.
值班家长必须提早10分钟到校, 在校委会值班处签到.
互联网CCA ordination well visually demonstrated the EPT community distribution and its relationship to the environmental factors.
互联网The studies indicate that CCA and DCCA are applicable in florology and phytogeography.
本文研究表明将DCCA和CCA应用 到植物区系地理学研究上是可行的.
互联网The datum extension method based on PC - CCA is feasible.
互联网Table 2. Relation between CCA - IMT and plaques of ICA and CB.
表2. 斑块严重程度与颈动脉内膜中层厚度的关系.
互联网Table 3 . Associations between CCA - IMT with some cardiovascular risk factors ( ± s ).
表 3. 颈动脉内膜中层厚度分级与部分心血管危险因素.
互联网Record student violations CCA Student Rule.
互联网CCA 2715, push back and start up approved, nose to south.
国航2715,可以推出开车, 机头向南.
互联网Chengdu Ground, CCA 2715, with you, request and start up.
成都地面, 国航2715听你指挥, 请求推出开车.
互联网Three fractions : CCA, CCB, CCC were got respectively.
水溶性粗多糖用乙醇分级法分离出CCA 、 CCB 、 CCC三种组分.
互联网Chengdu Tower, this is CCA 2715 holding point rwy 02, request line up.
成都塔台, 国航2715,跑道02外等待, 请求进入跑道.
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