
  • 释义
  • 崩落开采法;垮落;放顶;窟窿;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The formation is unstable and the wall caving are severe.


  • 2、

    Some residents are concerned about their roofs caving in.


  • 3、

    The horizontal section top coal caving in steep seam is different from the gently inclined seam.


  • 4、

    Politically, however, they cannot afford to be seen as caving in to foreign pressure.

    不过, 在政治上, 他们承担不起被视为屈从外国压力的代价.

  • 5、

    According to CPM buy, CPM enough to be, no matter how long caving, unambiguous.

    按CPM购买, CPM够 了才算, 不管放多长时间, 毫不含糊.

  • 6、

    The calculation on working resistances of supports has been one of key research questions sublevel caving.


  • 7、

    He had always wanted to go caving .


  • 8、

    Analyses factors that affect cover caving ability of roof coal in sublevel caving mining method.


  • 9、

    Study the automatic system of fully mechanized sublevel caving working face applying neural network control theory.


  • 10、

    With the roof caving in, there were an increasing number of desertions.

    由于大势已去, 逃兵的人数日益增多.

  • 11、

    The whole hotel is decorated with painting, caving and work of art.

    屹立在318国道旁,绘画 、 雕塑、艺术品充满整个酒店,空气中充溢着文化与艺术的气息.

  • 12、

    Sublevel caving without sill pillar is used in Xishimen Iron Mine.


  • 13、

    Caving means exploring the passages underneath the hills.


  • 14、

    You should wear hard hats when caving to protect the head from bumps and falling rocks.


  • 15、

    Until recently, an experiment on block caving method has been made and is a success.

    根据情况, 我们在该矿进行了矿块崩落法试验研究并获得了成功.

  • 16、

    Finally , the paper considers that the fully mechanized coal caving mining is helpful control outburst hazard.


  • 17、

    The river was caving the banks.


  • 18、

    The foundation of coal bin inclines and cracks resulted from uneven foundation subsiding and caving.


  • 19、

    It is recognised as a national centre for caving and cave diving.


  • 20、

    The caving of thick and strong roof stratum, key stratum, causes tremendous rock pressure in mine.

    采场上覆岩层中的厚硬岩层, 即厚硬关键层, 其冒落会造成剧烈的矿山压力显现.

  • 21、

    Increasing recovery rate coal is one of key problem in studying wallcoal caving.


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