
  • 释义
  • 教义问答(手册);一系列提问;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Dost know thy catechism?

    你懂得《教义问答手册》 吗 ?

  • 2、

    What can we learn about us and our state from this catechism Q & A ?

    关于我们和我们的状况,什麽是我们可以从海德堡要理 问答 中学到的?

  • 3、

    Warm, vital piety is one of the distinguishing marks of the catechism.


  • 4、

    What characteristics of God can we learn from this catechism Q & A ?

    从海德堡要理 问答,我们可以学到哪些上帝的属性?

  • 5、

    The duty of a godmother is to make you learn your catechism.


  • 6、

    The attributes of God. What is God ( Shorter Catechism ). Incommunicable attributes. Communicable attributes.

    上帝的属性. [上帝是什么?] ( 小要理问答 ). 不可传递的属性, 可传递的属性.

  • 7、

    Therefore I'll none of it. Honor is a mere scutcheon – and so ends my catechism.

    既然如此,我也不要它了. 荣誉真是死人的铭旌.我这教义问答仪式也就此完成.

  • 8、

    The catechism is used for religious instruction.


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