Bond paper cover manual package is always hot key is back blistering, bond, holdout cataplasm loss.
铜版纸封面手工包烫现存的主要总是是书背起泡 、 粘结 、 墨层糊损等.
互联网Methods: Tooth root Injected solidified calcium phosphate cataplasm tube, then pressed with gutta peneha points.
互联网Thereby raised part of the transfer of non - performing, cause printing plate miconioides cataplasm out version.
因而使凸起部分的油墨转移不良, 致使印版花糊掉版发生.
互联网Occurs after the cataplasm version of against the nature of the ink, take any appropriate solvent.
爆发糊版障碍后,可针不对版上油墨的本质, 拔取不合的溶剂擦洗.
互联网Objective : To prepare compound lidocaine hydrochloride cataplasm and characterize its viscosity and dissolution features.
目的: 制备复方盐酸利多卡因巴布膏剂,并考察其黏性和体外释药特性.
互联网OBJECTIVE To choose the optimum matrix formulation of cataplasm.
互联网General printing plate miconioides and cataplasm is at the same time.
互联网If you still cannot solve the local cataplasm of rubber blanket change phenomenon, and rubber blanket.
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