Had that occurred, the consequences for every area of our economy would cataclysmic.
一旦出现彻底崩溃, 对我们经济中的所有领域都将造成灾难性的后果.
互联网But the gradual build - up of underground pressure can lead to occasional bursts of cataclysmic activity.
互联网Worldwide, people are fascinated with a purported Mayan prophecy that predicts a cataclysmic event in 2012.
在世界范围内, 人们着迷据称玛雅预言预测的灾难性事件在2012年.
互联网If, say, the Western Hemisphere were sterilized , there would soon be a cataclysmic spiritual crisis.
打个比方, 如果西半球的人们无法生育,随之而来的将是严重的精神危机.
互联网However the risk and cost of being able to grow your business the alternative, is cataclysmic.
互联网It most likely happened after a cataclysmic comet or an asteroid impact 65 million years ago.
互联网It all happened with the speed of lightning and with cataclysmic violence.
子夜部分We found evidence of a cataclysmic climate shift, which occurred 10,000 years ago.
我们发现了10, 000年前,灾难性的气候迁移的证据.
电影对白This paper presents a Cataclysmic Genetic Algorithm for optimal reactive power planning of power systems.
互联网But in 1993 the startling answer is that a shutdown by banks might be cataclysmic.
互联网Laotse had laughed before him, a thin , shrill yet cataclysmic laughter.
老子在庄子面前嘲笑他, 那笑是尖锐刺耳却又激变的.
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