In the north, the constellations it goes through include Auriga, Cassiopeia, and Cygnus.
在北半球, 银河贯穿天鹰座 、 仙后座及天鹅座.
互联网Both Perseus and Cassiopeia are considered circumpolar from northerly latitudes.
互联网Both Perseus and Cassiopeia are considered to be circumpolar from northerly latitudes.
互联网Perseus is fainter than Cassiopeia and its stars are not so easy to identify.
互联网Explanation: Is the heart and soul of our Galaxy located in Cassiopeia?
说明: 我们银河系的心脏与魂魄是否在仙后座之内?
互联网As Cassiopeia sets, Southern Cross rises.
当仙后座落下时, 南十字星升起.
互联网Others star - hop via the W - shaped constellation, Cassiopeia, shown on our chart today.
另一些星星跳是通过W形的星座, 仙后座, 就像我们今天的图表上显示的那样.
互联网Perseus the Hero follows Cassiopeia across the night sky.
互联网If so, Cassiopeia will let you know if Orion is above the horizon or not.
如果您比较了解它们的话, 仙后座会让你知道猎户座位于地平线之上还是之下.
互联网Darkly are there behind this light, darkness shining in the brightness, delta of Cassiopeia, worlds.
星群黑魆魆地隐在这道光的后面, 黑暗在光中照耀, 三角形的仙后座, 穹苍.
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