What support will be available for me and my caregivers during the trial?
英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 回顾与展望Finally, this lecture ends with a brief discussion of babies'emotional responses to their caregivers.
最后, 讲座结束了对它们的照顾婴儿的情绪反应简短的讨论.
互联网And they are being tested as caregivers in assisted - living centers.
互联网Care - giving can be physically and emotionally exhausting and caregivers must cope with high stress levels.
互联网But the hospice caregivers celebrated , and he became their superstar.
十年前, 他公开坦承,自己为忧郁症所苦,企图自杀.
互联网Additionally, initial patient loss was minimal as patients preferred to stay with their current caregivers.
此外, 初期的患者流失是最低的,因为这些病人更喜欢依旧选择他们目前的医疗机构.
互联网Others insist that mothers are the best caregivers for children.
互联网Information gathering on the specific type of dementia is vital for caregivers.
互联网Researchers theorize that this is because of gender role of women as caregivers [ Source : Science Daily ].
研究者认为这是因为女性一直以来承担的是照顾者的 责任.
互联网They thrive when they have parents or other caregivers who are loving and dependable.
互联网Methods: 32 AD patients identified by DMS - IV and MMSE, then the caregivers were interviewed by NPI.
方法: 样本符合DMS -IV 等临床诊断标准的Alzheimer病32例,对每位研究对象实施简易智力状态检查量表及神经精神量表测试.
互联网Spouses, children, and other family members are often the primary caregivers for people with dementia.
配偶 、 孩子和其他的家庭成员是患痴呆症的病人的主要护理人员.
互联网Settle the infant comfortably, or caregivers to hold and comfort their infant.
舒适地安置婴儿, 或由护理员怀抱并安慰婴儿.
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