
  • 释义
  • 套管,插管;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    One of the best areas for the cannula is the cephalic vein in the shoulder area.


  • 2、

    The commercial product has threes compositions such as polymer film, tracheostomy tube and disposable inner cannula.

    目前市售的气管造口器,其主要构造由高分子膜 、 气管进口管及进食吸管所组成.

  • 3、

    Now I'll put a cannula over your nose.


  • 4、

    The authors reported nursing 118 patients with deep burns in upper limbs receiving pressure therapy by elastic cannula.


  • 5、

    This technique requires the use of a special cannula that produces ultrasonic energy.


  • 6、

    Parts of upper transverse arm shaft, front torsion bar cannula seat , shift plate , shift lever etc.

    部分上横臂轴 、 扭杆前套管,变速平台 、 变速杆等零件.

  • 7、

    Objective : To summarize the clinical application of permanent deep venous cannula.

    目的: 综述永久性深静脉插管的临床应用.

  • 8、

    A cutting cannula then rotates quickly over the needle to obtain the tissue sample.


  • 9、

    Method: A skin incision trocar venipuncture cannula was used to replace vein incision.

    方法: 采用皮肤切开套管针静脉穿刺置管代替静脉切开.

  • 10、

    Objective To explore the infants nursing of trachea cannula in intracardiac operationunderdirect vision.


  • 11、

    Results: the clinical application of permanent deep venous cannula is expanding gradually and maturation increasingly.

    结果: 目前永久性深静脉插管的应用正逐渐拓展且日益成熟.

  • 12、

    A cannula has to be inserted into a leg vein.

