安静( calm的名词复数 );
(使)平静, (使)镇定( calm的第三人称单数 );使安静;使冷静;使镇定;
Use ampoule, antiseptic, calms sebaceous secretions, soothes irritations and purifies the skins.
采用特别针对性的精华素令皮肤有消炎杀菌, 净化及平衡皮脂分泌, 回复幼嫩肌肤.
——期刊摘选A hot - tempered man stirs up strife , But the slow to anger calms a dispute.
互联网Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.
互联网Beauty calms our restless and dispels our cares.
互联网Soothes and calms skin, and helps reduce the look of fine lines.
真实和镇静皮肤, 而且帮助减少皱纹.
互联网The fallen palm calms down the so - called small global ball.
倒下的棕榈使 所谓 的小型全球舞会平静下来.
互联网Bear with it until he calms down.
(容忍一下,让他冷静下来. )
互联网The human protein, on the other hand, calms the immune system down.
而另一方面, 人体蛋白则安抚着免疫系统.
互联网Some people say smoking calms your nerves.
柯林斯例句He is only dangerous in calms.
互联网Heavy rains are followed by clear sky, strong winds by light winds or calms.
大雨过后,天空晴朗; 狂风以后,微风或静寂.
辞典例句Each angel brings a special peace, that calms our souls with gladness.
每个天使带来一种和平, 很喜乐地使我们心灵平静.
互联网Beauty calms our restlessness and dispels our cares.
互联网A known stress reducer that calms the mind and lifts the spirit.
互联网When she stops and calms herself, the truth is revealed.
当她停下来,让自己冷静下来后, 真相就揭晓了.
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