
  • 释义
  • 镇定自若地;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Everyone must think this situation through calmly and coolly.


  • 2、

    Hungary, by contrast, reacted calmly to events in Yugoslavia.


  • 3、

    She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething.


  • 4、

    After the killing, he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence.


  • 5、

    He spoke calmly to them trying to pour oil on troubled waters but it was useless.


  • 6、

    She was always in a critical moment and calmly made the most courageous.


  • 7、

    When coming across complicated problems, he would remain unruffled and take them calmly.

    遇到复杂的问题, 他总是泰然处之,沉着应付.

  • 8、

    She replied to their angry question by calmly walking out of the room.


  • 9、

    She felt a wave of panic, but forced herself to leave the room calmly.


  • 10、

    The young man made a movement of impatience, but Quilp wenton talking calmly.

    年青人表示出一种不耐烦的样子, 但是奎尔普还是泰然自若地讲下去.

  • 11、

    She sat down calmly, reading a newspaper.


  • 12、

    Andon gets down calmly, he soon participates in Nets's beautiful training battalion.

    等安顿下来, 他即将参加网队的新秀训练营.

  • 13、

    So I there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me.

    因此我便静静地坐在闷热拥挤的教堂里, 恭候着耶酥的降临.

  • 14、

    Our principals, teachers and other school staff rose to the challenge , calmly and meticulously.

    我们的校长 、 老师和其他工作人员镇静并认真的接过这项任务.

  • 15、

    The French nation as a whole calmly accepted their necessity.


  • 16、

    He calmly opened a little drawer, took out some real sovereigns.

    他平静地打开小抽屉, 拿出几块真正的金币.

  • 17、

    "Forgive my manners," she said calmly. "I neglected to introduce myself."


  • 18、

    You'd better reason things out with him calmly.


  • 19、

    At the same moment, my eyes fell on Jake, calmly observing everything going on around him.

    与此同时, 我的目光落在杰克身上.它平静地注视着发生在它身旁的事.

  • 20、

    Alan looked at him and said calmly, "I don't believe you."


  • 21、

    He broke the news quite calmly and simply to Tigress.


    ——汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
  • 22、

    "How did he react?" — "Very calmly."


  • 23、

    He spoke calmly, but every sentence carried weight.

    他说话沉着, 但每句话都有分量.

  • 24、

    Speak calmly if you think you're in the right; there's no need to get angry.

    有理慢慢儿说, 何必发脾气.

  • 25、

    I got up and walked calmly out into the early evening.


  • 26、

    The people raised a shout of joy . William Tell turned and looked calmly at Gessler.

    人们大声喝采. 威廉-泰尔转过身来,冷静地看着盖斯靳.

  • 27、

    The Japanese have acted calmly and deliberately.


  • 28、

    She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.

    她从惊慌中恢复过来, 并且镇静地给予了回答.

  • 29、

    The gunmen calmly walked away and escaped in a waiting car.

