
  • 释义
  • 回收,回叫信号,复查;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Therefore, investors must be wary of at this time callback risk index.

    所以, 投资者此时一定要谨防股指回调风险.

  • 2、

    Shares at Monday callback to 60 day average volume rebound Department, has the potential comeback.

    周一股价在回调到60日均线处放量回升, 有卷土重来之势.

  • 3、

    Cannot register control callback handler for service { 0 }.


  • 4、

    New Year beginning, freight rate of market of international container regular ship appears periodic callback evidence.

    新年伊始, 国际集装箱班轮市场运价出现周期性回调迹象.

  • 5、

    Using a DLL function that requires a callback function has some additional steps.


  • 6、

    At the same time, Shenzhen and Shanghai stock market is technically there are finishing callback requests.

    与此同时, 深沪股市技术上也存在回调整理要求.

  • 7、

    Generally speaking, if the callback Jiancang about 9 %, 12 days to earn 10 percent more likely.

    一般而言, 若是在回调9%左右建仓, 一两个交易日内赚10%的可能性较大.

  • 8、

    Establish record cards for clients , cl ients . carry out callback system inorder to duly resolve problems.

    设立用户记录卡, 实行回访制度,及时排忧解难.

  • 9、

    Internal timer of each process can have its own callback function timeout.


  • 10、

    The user callback mode you have selected requires you to enter a valid callback number.


  • 11、

    The asynchronous callback method related to displaying the initialization user interface ( UI ).

    开始异步方法以显示初始化用户界面 ( UI ).

  • 12、

    The remote access server has requested a callback number.


  • 13、

    I've also attached a callback function.


  • 14、

    This application implements a proprietary callback scheme using two Interfaces defined within VB.


  • 15、

    Voice detected at remote site on callback.


  • 16、

    Hide all matched elements using a graceful animation and firing an optional callback after completion.


  • 17、

    Note that every event callback function receives the editor instance as a parameter.


  • 18、

    Optional callback interface to return the number of pages in the current document.


  • 19、

    The line is about to disconnect in preparation for callback.


  • 20、

    Not required as in the past realize special callback interface or extend the EJB type.


  • 21、

    The index started in April this year, the third consecutive month in a callback.

    该指数从今年四月份开始, 已连续六个月出现回调.

  • 22、

    If you implement any callback method in the EJB then container will invoke that method.


  • 23、

    Occurs when the user presses a key when the insertion point is over a callback field.


  • 24、

    This object contains callback permissions that cannot be viewed or edited in this dialog box.


  • 25、

    He said the market price of steel has always showed cyclical fluctuations, a callback is normal.

    他表示,钢材市场价格历来均呈周期性波动, 有回调是正常的.

  • 26、

    Busy signal detected at remote site on callback.

