A cabal of Appalachian district directors will undertake a palace revolution.
互联网CABAL : No, generals, I will not alow that. My survival is paramount.
不, 将军们, 我不允许这样. 我的生存是至关重要的.
互联网Obviously, there is a cabal, a cold war against Chian!
显然, 背后是一场包围中国的阴谋, 一场新的冷战!
互联网Is there a rival in your cabal ( for power, affection or leadership )?
你在结社里有竞争者嘛 ( 为了力量, 影响力,还是领导地位 )?
——期刊摘选Lately many of our Earth allies are noticing our affect upon the dark cabal.
——期刊摘选And then I want Cabal and Forgotten has unique building and unit.
——期刊摘选How loyal are you to your fellow cabal members?
——期刊摘选Instead of trying to develop into a mass party, FRELIMO remained a small tightly organized cabal.
FRELIMO没有试图发展成大的政党, 而一直是组织严密的小秘密集团.
——辞典例句They are stories of conspiracy, of America being hijacked by an evil cabal.
像一个阴谋故事, 故事里说美国人被邪恶的政治集团揩了油.
——期刊摘选He had been chosen by a secret government cabal.
——辞典例句CABAL : The Tacitus is necesarry, the extermination of Tratos was necesarry.
塔西佗是必须的, 消灭特拉托斯是必须的.
——期刊摘选We are pleased to announce that CABAL Online will soon cease charging a monthly subscription fee.
——期刊摘选It is unfortunately not the highest score for your cabal. But better luck next time!
——期刊摘选How was your cabal formed?
——期刊摘选Furthermore, the older they gotbuy cabal alz, the bigger the mortality gap became.
此外, 随其年龄的增长,雄性与雌性间的死亡率差距也会逐渐扩大.
——期刊摘选No, it is not a cabal. It's Team Obama.
不, 这并不是右派的观点,而是奥巴马团队的声音.
——期刊摘选A small cabal of politicians almost certainly stole the result by fraud ( see article ) .
一个政客小集团通过欺骗几乎完全窃取了 胜利果实.
——期刊摘选Can you organize a cabal in three and a half minutes?
你能在三分半钟内组织一个阴谋小集团 吗 ?
——期刊摘选Dr : Ready to beam the second segment interface procedure , CABAL, stand by.
准备发送第二部分的接口程序, CABAL请准备.
——期刊摘选He had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators.
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