
  • 释义
  • 字节;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The next byte B, is literal also, so it is decoded as is.

    接下来是字节“B”, 仍然原封未动, 故而照原样解码.

  • 2、

    A byte composed of three binary element.


  • 3、

    Notice in the above code the maximum possible hexadecimal values for char, byte, and short.

    注意在上述代码中,最大的十六进制值只会在char, byte以及short身上出现.

  • 4、

    It'seems to be love at first byte for China and computers.


  • 5、

    The byte count is too small.


  • 6、

    The file you uploaded has no content ( zero byte ) or does not exist on your local drive.

    上载的文件不包含任何内容 ( 零字节 ) 或本地驱动器上不存在该文件.

  • 7、

    Big endian machine: It thinks the first byte it reads is the biggest.

    大尾端机器: 认为其读的第一个字节为最大的那位上的数.

  • 8、

    On asynchronous links the special byte 0 x 7 d is used as an escape character.


  • 9、

    A byte composed of six binary elements.


  • 10、

    In a DBCS , a pair of code points ( a double byte ) represents each character.

    在DBCS中, 一对码位 ( 双字节 ) 表示一个字符.

  • 11、

    The string was longer than the limit of 16380 byte characters.


  • 12、

    Converts an entire byte array from one encoding to another.


  • 13、

    When represented in a sequence of data bits most significant bit of a byte is first.


  • 14、

    Each frame begins and ends with a flag byte whose value is 0 x 7 e.


  • 15、

    Block cipher algorithms encrypt data in block units, rather than a single byte at a time.

    块密码算法以块为单位加密数据, 而不是逐个字节地加密数据.

  • 16、

    This program check zip file type using byte frequency.


  • 17、

    The entries are very similar and all have the same leading byte.


  • 18、

    This protection is activated by setting an option byte in the information block.


  • 19、

    Writes the text representation of an 8 byte signed integer to the text stream.


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