
  • 释义
  • adj.


  • n.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The room had the elegance of a bygone era.


  • 2、

    The book recalls other memories of a bygone age.


  • 3、

    She looked up some friends of bygone years.


  • 4、

    His talk was evocative of the bygone days.


  • 5、

    The ferry service of bygone days has been replaced by that tunnel.


  • 6、

    I saw him smoking in front of his house but a minute bygone.


  • 7、

    That haunting episode of bygone days was to her mother but a passing accident.


  • 8、

    In part, too , his writing is reminiscent of the pamphleteering prose of a bygone England.


  • 9、

    Before twelve hours had passed a harvest atmosphere would be a bygone thing.


  • 10、

    The old man told stories of bygone days.


  • 11、

    Most of them spoke of those bygone times with poignant regret.


  • 12、

    Well , pin it on me for bygone days, then.

    好吧,那么看在过去的份上, 把它给我别上吧.

  • 13、

    This writer has a power of contemporizing himself with the bygone times.


  • 14、

    I put these memories with those of bygone times.


  • 15、

    Don't dwell on the past. Let bygone be bygone.

    不要对以前的事想太多. 过去的就让它过去吧.

  • 16、

    Yesterday reluctant to part, I like Juan Ai with a baby like Juanai a bygone beauty.

    昨日依依, 我如眷爱着一个婴孩一样的眷爱着已逝的美丽.

  • 17、

    Like a monument to a bygone age the factory lies in front of my'window.


  • 18、

    Ancient Greek dramatist alles alone Fukelesi says, discreet person basis bygone will judge now.

    古希腊戏剧家索福克勒斯说, 慎重的人根据过去的事件来判定现在.

  • 19、

    It was totally over the top, like parties from a bygone age.

    一切都极尽夸张之能事, 好像是来自某个旧时代的派对.

  • 20、

    Our family was very poor in the bygone age.


  • 21、

    A bygone relationship, gliding over my memory occasionally.

    一段逝去的爱情, 偶尔也会在记忆里轻轻滑过.

  • 22、

    Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind.


  • 23、

    A prophet of this country in bygone days, Princess.

    士兵乙:“我国很早之前的一位先知, 公主. ”

  • 24、

    To readers a century later, that placid portrayal may seem alien - as though depicting a bygone world.

    在一百年后的读者看来, 这些平静的描述像是外星人 --- 好像描述了一个不复存在的世界.

  • 25、

    Downtown, treasures from a bygone era were stored in a dusty field called the Neon Boneyard.

    在市中心, 过去的霓虹灯被堆放在一个叫“霓虹灯墓地”的地方,那里尘土飞扬.

  • 26、

    They are a relic of the bygone '' faubourg " with its fruit gardens.

    他们是在过去的遗迹'' ''街与水果花园.

  • 27、

    It's no use mewling over bygone glories of a probably mythical golden age of foreign corresponding.


  • 28、

    In 1875, he published autobiographical humorous story named the Bygone of the Mississippi River. ( Revised in 1883 ).

    年出版自传体幽默作品《密西西比河的往事》 ( 883年修订本改为《密西西比河上》 ).

  • 29、

    But it is the rail system of a bygone India that has attracted my attention recently.

