Please press the button down.
——《简明英汉词典》The longer you hold the mouse button down, the more power the shot will have.
时间越长,你持有的滑鼠按钮, 权力越大,铅球会.
——期刊摘选While a user holds the cursor over a target, he clicks button down and releases it.
——期刊摘选Hold your mouse button down and drag the window to the desired position.
——期刊摘选Now, the final step, push the same button DOWN.
现在, 最后一个步骤就是往下推同样的按钮.
——期刊摘选Please button down your shirt.
——期刊摘选Keep the ENTER button down for some time until the symbol for KEYBOARD LOCKED appears.
——期刊摘选This a document source, which is about how to get key board button down msg.
这是一个文本资源, 主要是关于如何从键盘获取按键消息的.
——期刊摘选Keep pressing the PTT button down and speak with a normal voice into the apparatus.
——期刊摘选While a user holds the cursor over a target, he button down and releases it.
用户将鼠标停留在固定的位置, 按下按键,然后释放.
——期刊摘选Button down his shirt If you roll up your sleeves, bigger can be better.
穿带有衣领扣的男式衬衫如果你要卷起袖子, 卷得大一点比较好.
——期刊摘选My collar won't button down.
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