
  • 释义
  • 男管家;仆役长;司膳官;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.


  • 2、

    The butler gave a little cough to announce his presence.


  • 3、

    The butler was an accomplice in the robbery.


  • 4、

    I am sure you remember Mrs Butler who gave us such an interesting talk last year.


  • 5、

    Butler and Stone concur that the war threw people's lives into a moral relief.


  • 6、

    They had a butler, a cook, and a maid.


  • 7、

    The butler always laid the table.


  • 8、

    The butler would not admit him into the house.


  • 9、

    Butler, of course , was strong for Cowperwood's prosecution.

    巴特勒 当然 是坚决主张控诉柯帕乌的.

  • 10、

    The butler offered Walden a cigar, but he sensed that he was finished here.

    仆人给沃尔登送来一支雪茄, 但沃尔登示意他不需要.

  • 11、

    Oh, men were so vile, and Rhett Butler was the worst of them all!

    啊, 男人都坏透了, 瑞德-巴特勒更是他们中最下流的一个!

  • 12、

    Butler is a talented player that any team would want.


  • 13、

    I wouldn't a finger to, no matter what Captain Butler said.

    我是不会理他的, 不管巴特勒先生怎么说.

  • 14、

    Against no one was feeling more bitter than against Rhett Butler.


  • 15、

    For a hero loves the world till it breaks him ( William Butler Yeats )

    因为英雄深爱世人,直到世人令他绝望 ( 威廉巴特勒耶茨 )

  • 16、

    Miss Melly done fainted way back, Captain Butler.

    威尔克靳太太昏过去了, 巴特勒船长.

  • 17、

    This isn't the first time you've come between me and disaster, Captain Butler.

    这不是第一次你救我脱离灾难了, 巴特勒船长.

  • 18、

    And now, Captain Butler, tell me what happened, all that happened.

    现在, 巴特勒船长, 告诉我发生了什么事, 所有发生的一切.

  • 19、

    MELANIE: Captain Butler, such a pleasure to see you again.

    梅拉妮: 船长巴特勒, 很高兴再见到你.

  • 20、

    You're a fool , Rhett Butler , when you know I shall always love another man.

    你知道我会喜欢其他男人的. 你这个笨蛋!

  • 21、

    It appears as though Butler has all the intangibles.


  • 22、

    " If you can do that,'says Dr. Butler, " you can kill more cancer cells. "

    巴特勒医生说: “ 如果能做到这一点, 你就可以杀死更多的癌细胞. ”

  • 23、

    Prissy : Miss Melly done fainted way back, Captain Butler.

    普里西: 威尔克斯太太昏过去了, 巴特勒船长.

  • 24、

    Scarlett Butler tumbled from her high and mighty place!


  • 25、

    Butler , deeply illiberal, exerted his rights.

    巴特勒心胸狭窄, 滥用自己作为丈夫的权力.

  • 26、

    If anything , It'seems hard to find anyone who has a negative opinion of Butler.

    (巴特勒1980年出生于威斯康辛州的拉辛市)总之, 我们似乎很难找到一个人对于巴特勒有很负面的看法.

  • 27、

    Rhett Butler: It'seems we've at cross purposes, doesn't it?

    巴特勒: 似乎我们相互误解, 不是 吗 ?
