OBJECTIVE To determine the content of Rutin in buckwheat from different habitats and different organs.
——期刊摘选The extension service suggests a crop such as clover, buckwheat or winter rye.
推广服务部建议种苜蓿 、 荞麦或冬黑麦之类的覆盖作物.
——期刊摘选Many of Polygonaceae are noxious weeds , some ornamentals , and buckwheat ( Fagopyrum ) and rhubarb ( Rheum ) foodstuffs .
少数可食, 如 荞麦 和大黄;有一些是 观赏植物.
——期刊摘选The ingredients include flour, buckwheat flour, and starch.
冷面的主料为白面 、 荞麦面和淀粉.
——期刊摘选Russian pancake of buckwheat flour and yeast ; usually served with caviar and sour cream.
俄国的发面荞麦薄煎饼; 常与鱼子酱、酸乳酪等同吃.
——期刊摘选Enema to noodle made from buckwheat, importersshuang li and tendons, strong taste, an appetizers dan.
灌肠以荞面制成, 入口爽利而筋, 味烈, 素淡开胃.
——期刊摘选TEMPURA IN SOUP SPECIALS, selected items in a a hearty broth with udon or buckwheat noodles.
——期刊摘选After processing grinding buckwheat, buckwheat noodles become.
荞麦经过加工磨制, 成为荞面.
——期刊摘选Insufficient of photosynthetic products was the primary factor of low percentage of setting seeds on buckwheat.
——期刊摘选In this paper , we use alcohol solvent extracting buckwheat hull pigment with ultrasonic.
——期刊摘选Buckwheat flour has effects on the rheological characteristics of wheat flour dough.
——期刊摘选Let's have some buckwheat flour for lunch!
中午咱们就煮些荞面吃 吧!
——期刊摘选One with buckwheat jelly produced by the complexity of the process , the English style.
其中用养麦制作的凉粉工艺复杂, 风味俱佳.
——期刊摘选In this paper , the process of buckwheat hull flavoid compound, hemicelluloses, brown pigment, polysaccharide were summarized.
从荞麦壳中黄酮类化合物 、 半纤维素 、 棕色素 、 多糖等五方面介绍了荞麦壳的研究进展及其新用途.
——期刊摘选Oxalic acid was obtained by treating buckwheat husks with dilute nitric acid.
——期刊摘选North American herbs of the buckwheat family.
——期刊摘选The buckwheat flour heart powder, the powder from buckwheat bran in bread production was studied.
研究在面粉中加入苦荞心粉 、 苦荞麸粉的面包制作工艺过程.
——期刊摘选Purpose : to research extraction technology of total flavones from stems and leaves of buckwheat.
目的 研究甜荞麦秸中总黄酮提取工艺.
——期刊摘选CONCLUSION The method is useful for quality control of buckwheat product as drug.
——期刊摘选China is the world center of buckwheat ? origin and genetic diversity . Fagopyrum dibotrys.
——期刊摘选Food crops to corn, wheat, potato, buckwheat dominated.
粮食作物以玉米 、 小麦 、 洋芋 、 荞为主.
——期刊摘选Red rice and buckwheat are foods of smaller glycemic index.
——期刊摘选Some buckwheat flour buckwheat flour or buckwheat flour mixed with some wheat flour.
——期刊摘选There are annual or perennial buckwheat, Tartary Buckwheat and buckwheat wild type wings.
有一年生或多年生的甜荞 、 苦荞和野翅荞类型.
——期刊摘选The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat showed different antioxidant effects in lard and linoleic acid.
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