
  • 释义
  • 经纪业;佣金;手续费;经纪费;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    John works for a brokerage house now.


  • 2、

    He worked for a brokerage house.


  • 3、

    To go to a strange brokerage firm would be no better.


  • 4、

    The purchase of bonds is generally recorded at cost ( including purchase price and brokerage commissions ).

    债券的购入一般按成本 ( 包括买价和经纪人佣金 ) 计价.

  • 5、

    Hypothecation brokerage to use securities in an account as collateral when providing loans . Must account.


  • 6、

    Investment banking generates fees deal by deal, while brokerage services can generate continuing streams of income.

    投行从其承揽的每宗交易中收取服务费, 而经纪服务则可以保证收入的源源不断.

  • 7、

    It would be only the second Chinese brokerage firm to launch an IPO.


  • 8、

    Currently, our business scope is including Transportation, Transportation , Ground Transportation, Warehousing & Packing, and Customs Brokerage.

    目前, 中天业务范围包括海运, 空运,内陆运输, 仓储 和 包装, 以及报关服务.

  • 9、

    The main income is brokerage.


  • 10、

    The identification of estate brokerage industry shall rewrite many traditional identifications of movable estate industry.


  • 11、

    However, major brokerage agencies of China's oil has been relatively optimistic about the profit forecast.

    然而, 国内各大券商机构对中国石油的盈利预测却相对乐观.

  • 12、

    A single account at a brokerage or bank which includes both banking and brokerage services.


  • 13、

    After deducting brokerage costs, the fastest traders fell far behind the slowest.

    扣除经纪业务成本后, 交易最快者远远落后于交易最慢者.

  • 14、

    No brokerage firms or banks were immediately willing on the a view on the measure.


  • 15、

    Those costs, such as taxes and brokerage fees were not considered in Myers's analysis.


  • 16、

    Where the broker facilitatedformation of the proposed contract, the brokerage expenses shall be borne by itself.

    居间人促成合同成立的, 居间活动的费用,由居间人负担.

  • 17、

    A fee charged by a broker for executing a transaction. Also referred to as brokerage fee.

    是经纪商对买卖交易收取的费用. 也叫作经纪费.

  • 18、

    Brokerage market share is the main force to promote role of one of the main points.


  • 19、

    Second, the data from the position beforea brokerage Jiancang phenomenon.

    其次, 从节前仓位数据来看,券商呈现建仓现象.

  • 20、

    Mouse replacement cattle, a joint venture brokerage in China's capital market Zaixian a new page.

    鼠牛更替之际, 合资券商在中国资本市场上再掀新的一页.

  • 21、

    Jiangsu Ao Yang Industrial Group has been entrusted by this enterprise with an insurance brokerage package.


  • 22、

    Third, the brokerage unit yesterday afternoon after the blowout also relatively optimistic.


  • 23、

    Securities and Futures Commission for revocation of supervision need to ask the regional brokerage sector.


  • 24、

    Independent financial advisers who work outside the big brokerage firms tend to be more pessimistic.


  • 25、

    Do you have a foreign exchange brokerage business experience?

