Brian 布赖恩(人名);British(er) (s) 大不列颠人,英国人;
ResultsThere were significant differences in BRI gene expression between the two cell lines.
结果 BRI基因 在2细胞系中存在明显的差异表达,在具有高转移潜能的Anip973中高表达.
互联网The main application of molecular model of carbon nanotubes is introduced bri.
互联网A interference system should have low noise 、 high contrast and adjustable bri - ghtness of the fringes.
互联网This kind of bri - quette for industry has higher strength, higher calorific value and better waterproof nature.
该种工业型煤具有较高的强度 、 较高的热值和较好的防水防潮性能.
互联网High purity NaCl single crystals have been obtained by areactive atmosphere processing ( RAP ) based on the Bridgman technique.
本文使用反应气氛法(ReactiveAtmosphere Processing 简称RAP ) Bri-dgman技术 生长高纯NaCl单晶体.
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