
  • 释义
  • 气喘吁吁的,喘不过气来的;(紧张得)屏住气息的;透不过气的;死的,气绝的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    As you listen, you notice how every single word is imbued with a breathless sense of wonder.


  • 2、

    He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs.


  • 3、

    We were breathless with anticipation.


  • 4、

    By the end of the walk, she was breathless with exertion.

    走到最后, 她累得上气不接下气.

  • 5、

    She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill.


  • 6、

    I was a little breathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast.


  • 7、

    Chess fans around the globe watched the match with breathless interest.


  • 8、

    He forged ahead, panting and breathless.


  • 9、

    John was breathless after running for half a mile.


  • 10、

    The river is glassing in a breathless calm.


  • 11、

    The climb left him breathless.


  • 12、

    Watching him climb up the precipice, everybody was breathless with anxiety.

    看着他往悬崖上爬, 大家都捏一把汗.

  • 13、

    It was dirty and noisy and breathless.


  • 14、

    She sounded breathless, as if nervous but trying not to be.

    她说起话来上气不接下气, 而且极力压抑着紧张的心情.

  • 15、

    I stopped, and he came up breathless.

    我站住, 等他气喘吁吁地赶上来.

  • 16、

    The body lay breathless on the bed: there was no sign of life.


  • 17、

    Heavy smoking makes him breathless.


  • 18、

    Villefort stood watching, breathless, until his father had disappeared at the Rue Bussy.

    维尔福屏息静气地站在那儿呆望着, 直望到他的父亲拐入了蒲赛街.

  • 19、

    He was breathless after climbing ten floors.


  • 20、

    By the time I got to the top I was completely breathless.


  • 21、

    Onion is a breathless and transitive vegetable, and it has obvious dormant period.

    洋葱是一种无呼吸跃变的蔬菜, 具有明显的休眠期.

  • 22、

    As in previous spurts of breathless growth, China is building up an inflationary head of steam.

    中国的经济就如一个人屏住气一阵冲刺后, 现在通货膨胀犹如满头热气冒了出来.

  • 23、

    She opened the door of the apartment, a little breathless from climbing the stairs.

    她打开公寓的门走了进来, 因为刚爬了楼梯,显得有些气喘.

  • 24、

    Suddenly she felt sixteen again and happy, a little breathless and excited.

    她突然感到自己又变成了一个十六岁的姑娘,那么快活, 还有点紧张和兴奋.

  • 25、

    Their heat parched fields, wilted crops, and left people lying breathless and unconscious on the ground.

    它们的酷热烤焦了土地, 使庄稼枯萎, 人们喘不过气来,倒在地上昏迷不醒.

  • 26、

    He stayed cushioned upon her, breathless dazed, enervated, with his heart beating like hammer upon her.

    他压在她身上喘着气, 四肢无力,眼冒金星, 可心却像小锤一样咚咚地敲打着她.

  • 27、

    When we feel our world full of greed and hatred, tricks and traps, we are breathless.

    当我们觉得这个世界充满了贪婪与仇恨, 阴谋与诡计, 我们感到无法呼吸.
