
  • 释义
  • (关系、联盟的)终止;解散;别离;瓦解;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    In any case, she had no doubts about the breakup with Todd.


  • 2、

    The Thirty Year's War nearly caused the breakup of the empire.


  • 3、

    Flexibility of labour was obtained through the breakup of old trade union structures.


  • 4、

    Atomic hydrogen was formed as a breakup product of the ions.


  • 5、

    It is unfortunately true , however, that he blames me for the breakup with Madeleine.

    可是不幸的是, 他在我和马德琳决裂的事情上却怪我不好.

  • 6、

    This breakup could further be justified ( approximately ) by examining statistics on existing rockets.

    通过对现在火箭的调查统计,可以进一步 ( 近似地 ) 证明这种分法是合理的.

  • 7、

    Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR.


  • 8、

    Both parties seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of their marriage.


  • 9、

    Whether her stardom also contributed to the breakup of her marriage is not clear.


  • 10、

    Not surprisingly, they found the more people were in love, the harder they took the breakup.

    不出意料, 研究人员发现,爱得越深的人越难承受分手.

  • 11、

    After our breakup, Cindy refused to even look at me.

    我们分手后, 辛迪甚至不愿意看我一眼.

  • 12、

    It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense.


  • 13、

    Preconditioning of ice sheets for accelerated breakup may require a long time, perhaps many centuries.

    造成冰原快速破裂的先决条件可能需要长时间酝酿, 也许长达许多世纪.

  • 14、

    Seriously considered if the breakup, then please do not want to do any action.

    如果认真考虑过该分手, 那么请不要做任何舍不得的行动.

  • 15、

    He took the blame for the breakup.


    ——英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦
  • 16、

    If you're afraid a scene, breakup at a public venue such as a restaurant.


  • 17、

    He seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of his marriage.


  • 18、

    The breakup of their marriage surprised no one.


  • 19、

    The breakup of panda habitat into isolated pockets was especially dangerous for the animal.


  • 20、

    The final breakup of the feudal system had three main causes.


  • 21、

    After the breakup of the band, Depp worked a variety of odd jobs in LA.

    乐队解散之后, 戴普在洛杉矶打了很多零工.

  • 22、

    Now that their breakup had reached this stage, was this conjecture still worth verifying?

    彼此决裂到这个田地, 这猜想还值得证实 么 ?

    ——汉英文学 - 围城
  • 23、

    A sequence of incidents led to the couple's breakup.


  • 24、

    The breakup of any marriage is a shock, especially for the children.

    任何婚姻的破裂都是一个打击, 这种打击对孩子们尤为严重.

  • 25、

    After the breakup, she felt empty and lonely.

    分手之后, 她感到空虚和孤独.

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